If I cannot visit your home I can offer remote support. To enable me to connect to you over the Internet you need to run a small file. When you click on the link (towards the bottom of the page) a small file will be downloaded onto your device.
Once it is installed it will generate a 9 digit code - please see image below. Just give me the code and I should then be able to connect to your machine. Each time the program is run it generates a new code, so there is no possibility of me using the same code twice to gain access to your device.
Windows Computers
When the file is downloaded just go to your downloads folder and look for the file 'RemotePCAttended.exe'. Double click on it and this will install the remote access app onto your device.
Please click here to run/download the remote access file for a Windows computer.
Apple Computers
When the file is downloaded just go to your downloads folder and look for the file 'RemotePCAttended.dmg'. Double click on it and this will install the remote access app onto your device.
Please click here to run/download the remote access file for an Apple computer.